March 4, 2019
7:30 Registration Opens
7:55-8:00 Welcome Remarks- Amanda Calloway, Esq., President SLTA
8:00-9:00 Remote Online Notarization
Elizabeth Blosser, Director of Grassroots & State Government Affairs
American Land Title Association
9:00-9:45 Making Sense of Blockchain
Tony Franco, CEO
9:45-10:00 15 Minute Break
10:00-10:45 A Day In The Life of a Title Examiner
Danny Howard
Title Examiner
10:45-11:45 Professionalism In These Evolving Times of Practice
David “Bobo” Mullens, Esq.
Oliver Maner LLP
11:45-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:45 Title Ethics Jeopardy
Will Avant, Esq.
Fidelity National Title Group
1:15-2:00 15 Minute Break
2:00-2:45 Bankruptcy Basics for Dirt Lawyers
Kelsea Laun, Esq.
North American Title Insurance Company
2:45-3:30 Historic Preservation Tax Credits
Joshua E. Kight, Esq.
Kight Law Office
Join us in Savannah at the Andaz Savannah
Make your reservation now by clicking here
The agenda for the meeting will be available shortly.